I will comment on the Koran and translations in a moment. But first, the Bible. The Bible is pretty much written in Hebrew and Greek. It has been translated into many languages. The Enlgish translations alone are legion in numbers, in emphasis, and agendas. Check out this list of Bibles.
The King James Version, as little as I understand the translation, was meant to be an exact translation and to honor the king of course. The NIV was meant to transfer meaning for meaning, not word for word (again, as far as I understand). The difference between an exact attempt at a translation and a meaning for meaning attempt at a translation can be massive. Then throw in the biases of the translators or translator teams - gee whiz, how do you contol for that?
Now to the Koran. I met a Muslim several years ago who told me that unless I read the Koran in its original language, that it is impossible to understand its meaning. For me, learning Arabic was a tall order. Haven't gotten to it yet.
Reflecting on the idea that I would have to learn a language in order to understand God's communication, it struck me as odd. Why would God require me to learn another leanguage in order to understand him? Let's forget for a moment that Americans (me) are chronically monolingual. I could know 10 languages, but if I do not know the right language, then it doesn't matter how many languages I know.
Although it would be nice to read the Koran in its original language, I am going to read it in English. This Enlgish translation is an attempt at a meaning for meaning translation. I know that this will not satisfy many Muslims. That is OK with me. I am not doing this to satisfy Muslims. Again, I am not doing this to insult Muslims either.
I take it under consideration that what I read and try to interpret is already removed from the original. I will also say that this is the best I can do.
1 comment:
I am Christian, I read the Koran, and I don't like it because it is Hateful, Plagerized and Twisted From the Holy Bible, is Redundant and Repetitive, and lastly is not organized Chronological according to the Timeline of When Muhammad wrote the Chapters, and the Chapters were pieced together from fragments of writings on sea shells and bark and stone. And some Korans were Burnt and different versions were printed and it is different in English than in Arabic, and Arabic is such a primative , strange language
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